Just where I live in delhi, beyond the fancy lanes and high rise buildings also lies lanes of tattered vinatage markets. My absolute favourite.
This market is popular for its vintage furniture. To be honest, I cross this market a couple of times a day seeing the carpenters literally give second, third, fourth lives to these not knowing where they came from and who they come belonged too.
I visited the furniture market recently for researching for an upcoming project. And, I was particularly looking for some stunning chairs that could instantly transport you into another world.
And, then these caught my eye. Thats what I love visiting this market so much.Its so soothing to absorb the textures and the shapes and the details on the pieces.
It truly takes your breath away. These visual imagery eventually impacts me and my work. I have always noticed this over the time that I may not know it then but all these details that I see around me adds up in my work. Like the texture of this queen chair or the cane that I actually ended using up in one of my pieces.
This is the beauty of Art. Its so fluid that it shape shifts and transforms from one place to another.